Coaching Minor FAQs
Welcome to the FAQ page for the Coaching Minor program! Get your questions answered about the benefits of earning a Coaching Minor at KSU! Our program develops coaching skills through a mix of foundational coursework, advanced methodologies, and a practicum. It boosts marketability for Teacher Education majors and meets the growing demand for trained coaches nationwide. With 6 courses totaling 18 credit hours, including prerequisites like Coaching Principles, this minor program offers true flexibility.
What are the benefits to earning a Coaching Minor?
- Develops coaching competence through foundational coursework, advanced coaching methodologies, and a practicum experience.
- For Teacher Education majors, the Coaching Minor increases marketability by preparing future teachers to coach in schools where there is need for qualified coaches.
- Coaching education has become a national trend; therefore, future coaches at any level are required to complete formal training before they are permitted to coach.
How many courses are required to earn the Coaching Minor?
There are 6 courses in the Coaching Minor or a total of 18 credit hours. -
Am I required to enroll in certain courses according to a sequence?
HPE 3050, Coaching Principles, is a prerequisite to all of the Advanced Coaching classes and the Practicum and should be taken early in the Coaching Minor program. The HPE 3395 Coaching Practicum should be taken near the end of the program. -
Which coaching minor courses offered each semester?
HPE 3100, 2300 and 3395 are normally offered every semester, including summer. HPE 3050 is offered both Fall and Spring. The sport specific Advanced Coaching classes are offered on a rotational basis with at least one offered each Fall and Spring semester -
When can I declare the Coaching Minor?
You can declare anytime, but preferably before your senior year. If you are already in your senior year, please schedule an appointment with Mrs. Scheck to confirm that you will have sufficient time to complete the minor. -
When should I begin to look for a practicum placement?
You should begin to search for your practicum placement during the semester prior to the term you plan to take HPE 3395. All placements must be approved by the coordinator of the Coaching Minor. -
How many total contact hours are required for the Coaching Practicum?
Since the Coaching Practium is 3 credit hours, you must complete 120 contact hours in the Coaching Practicum, which equates to about 8 hours per week. Due to the nature of some coaching experiences, there could be less contact hours as a result of additional work assignments associated with the practicum experience. -
Can I choose any sport for my Coaching Practicum?
Yes. -
Are there any additional requirements associated with the Coaching Practicum?
Yes, there is a comprehensive coaching report that must be submitted upon completion of the practicum. See Mrs. Scheck for detailed information regarding this project. -
If I have already graduated from KSU, can I still earn the Coaching Minor?
No. -
Am I required to major in physical education to earn the Coaching Minor?
No, the Coaching Minor is available to ALL undergraduate students at 快猫成版视频 State University. However, the ONLY students who will be allowed to complete the Coaching Practicum in a public school setting will be Teacher Education majors. We have numerous other Coaching Practicum opportunities available through park and recreation, club sports or college teams. -
I have coached many years in various sport settings, therefore, can I receive "credit" for these experiences to meet the Coaching Practicum requirement?
No. -
Who should I contact to ask more questions about the Coaching Minor?
Dr. Deborah Baxter