Grading and Attendance

The Department of Architecture maintains the following policy relative to grades and grading.

  • KSU requires all students to maintain a 2.0 GPA to remain in good standing.
  • Students must maintain a 2.5 cumulative ARCH GPA to remain in good standing in the Department of Architecture.
  • Students should maintain a minimum grade of C in all ARCH courses. Students who receive a grade of D or lower must retake the course to ensure they have the necessary skill sets to succeed in subsequent courses and maintain the required 2.5 cumulative GPA.
  • Students who are not in good standing (ARCH GPA below 2.5) will be issued a letter of warning and placed on probationary status for the following semester. All students should work to improve their GPA during the probationary period. Students whose GPA does not improve at the end of the probationary period will:
    1. Not be allowed to register for advanced ARCH courses until their GPA has risen to the minimum required 2.5 GPA,
    2. Be encouraged to repeat ARCH courses in which a grade of D was issued.
    3. Develop an action plan for the following year that includes identifying which courses they will repeat as well as, GA core courses, minor and/or elective courses to be taken. The student鈥檚 advisor must approve the action plan.

Grades and accompanying point values are determined according to the following criteria:

A (95+), A- (90+) Exceptional work, exceeding the requirements and exhibiting advancement beyond level of expectation of an undergraduate course
B+ (88+), B (85+), B- (80+) Good work, exceeding the requirements and communicated clearly
C+ (78+), C (75+), C- (70+) Work meeting all of the requirements of the course as stipulated by the syllabus and professor 
D+ (68+), D (65+) Marginal work, meeting some or all of the requirements but exhibiting inconsistency, and or lack of clarity generally understood as below level in sophistication and competency
 F (64-) Failing work, meeting less than minimum requirements, work done below level in sophistication and competency, failure to fulfill the obligations of the course as set out in the syllabus
INCOMPLETE A grade of incomplete is only granted when the student has submitted evidence of a serious matter pertaining to the health of the student, or a member of the immediate family or dependent children. It is the student's sole responsibility to request an incomplete and provide documented evidence for such a request. Incompletes are granted by the faculty issuing the grade and must be negotiated prior to the last week of classes for the semester.

Students are required to attend all classes and attendance is part of the course grade. Absences are noted and will result in reduction of the grade. Actual grade percentages may vary between courses but policies and grading percentages will be listed in course syllabi.

Class will begin promptly. It is the student鈥檚 responsibility to arrive on time. Students arriving 10 minutes after the start of class will not be given credit for that day鈥檚 attendance. 

Sample Attendance Policy and Grading Scale

All students will begin the semester with 100 points for attendance. Two (2) points will be deducted for each of the first 5 absences from the class. Five (5) absences would thereby result in an attendance score of 90. Three (3) points will be deducted for each additional absence such that 8 absences would result in a score of 81. Grade calculation will be based on the following chart.

0 100 A
1 98 A
2 96 A
3 94 A
4 92 A
5 90 A
6 87 B
7 84 B
8 81 B
9 78 C
10 75 C
11 72 C
12 69 D
13 66 D
14 63 D
15+ 0 F


  • The Department of Architecture maintains a zero tolerance policy on vandalism of state, university, college, department or personal property. We will take action against any student identified for vandalism and/or theft up to and including seeking expulsion from the University.

    The Department of Architecture maintains a zero tolerance policy on vandalism of state, university, college, department or personal property. We will take action against any student identified for vandalism and/or theft up to and including seeking expulsion from the University.

    This action falls under the following section of the Student Handbook:

    Non-Academic Misconduct

    5. Damage to Property:

    Disciplinary Measures identified within the Student Handbook include the following: 

    • Expulsion
    • Disciplinary Suspension
    • Disciplinary Probation
    • Reprimand and Warning
    • Restrictions
    • Fines
    • If you see it, stop it or report it.
  • Why are there limited operational hours for the architecture studio buildings?

    • Security: buildings N (Architecture), I-1 and I-2 (Design) contain valuable university and personal equipment. Limiting access after hours to designated personnel ensures that only those who should have access are allowed in. It's about minimizing theft.
    • Safety: Students and faculty have the right to work at their desks knowing that only those who are designated to be in the building have access. Allowing others to enter the building exposes us to those who may want to do harm.
    • Personal health: The Department of Architecture highly recommends that all students get a good night鈥檚 sleep. Studies show that a minimum of 6 hours of sleep each night reduces stress, improves learning and improves overall health. Pulling that all-nighter might make you feel like you are getting more done, but really how much are you accomplishing between 3:00am and 7:00am? Is this really going to change your project or improve your grade? What about the classes you miss the next day? What are you learning when you are falling asleep in class or at the jury?

    Manage your time, be safe and stay healthy! Always remember to close the doors behind you. NEVER PROP OPEN THE DOORS. When you do you are threatening your safety and those of your classmates.

Grading and Attendance

  • The Department of Architecture maintains the following policy relative to grades and grading.

    • KSU requires all students to maintain a 2.0 GPA to remain in good standing.
    • Students must maintain a 2.5 cumulative ARCH GPA to remain in good standing in the Department of Architecture.
    • Students should maintain a minimum grade of C in all ARCH courses. Students who receive a grade of D or lower must retake the course to ensure they have the necessary skill sets to succeed in subsequent courses and maintain the required 2.5 cumulative GPA.
    • Students who are not in good standing (ARCH GPA below 2.5) will be issued a letter of warning and placed on probationary status for the following semester. All students should work to improve their GPA during the probationary period. Students whose GPA does not improve at the end of the probationary period will:
        1. Not be allowed to register for advanced ARCH courses until their GPA has risen to the minimum required 2.5 GPA,
        2. Be encouraged to repeat ARCH courses in which a grade of D was issued.
        3. Develop an action plan for the following year that includes identifying which courses they will repeat as well as, GA core courses, minor and/or elective courses to be taken. The student鈥檚 advisor must approve the action plan.
  • Grades and accompanying point values are determined according to the following criteria:

    A (95+), A- (90+) Exceptional work, exceeding the requirements and exhibiting advancement beyond level of expectation of an undergraduate course
    B+ (88+), B (85+), B- (80+) Good work, exceeding the requirements and communicated clearly
    C+ (78+), C (75+), C- (70+) Work meeting all of the requirements of the course as stipulated by the syllabus and professor 
    D+ (68+), D (65+) Marginal work, meeting some or all of the requirements but exhibiting inconsistency, and or lack of clarity generally understood as below level in sophistication and competency
     F (64-) Failing work, meeting less than minimum requirements, work done below level in sophistication and competency, failure to fulfill the obligations of the course as set out in the syllabus
    INCOMPLETE A grade of incomplete is only granted when the student has submitted evidence of a serious matter pertaining to the health of the student, or a member of the immediate family or dependent children. It is the student's sole responsibility to request an incomplete and provide documented evidence for such a request. Incompletes are granted by the faculty issuing the grade and must be negotiated prior to the last week of classes for the semester.
  • Students are required to attend all classes and attendance is part of the course grade. Absences are noted and will result in reduction of the grade. Actual grade percentages may vary between courses but policies and grading percentages will be listed in course syllabi.

    Class will begin promptly. It is the student鈥檚 responsibility to arrive on time. Students arriving 10 minutes after the start of class will not be given credit for that day鈥檚 attendance. 

    Sample Attendance Policy and Grading Scale

    All students will begin the semester with 100 points for attendance. Two (2) points will be deducted for each of the first 5 absences from the class. Five (5) absences would thereby result in an attendance score of 90. Three (3) points will be deducted for each additional absence such that 8 absences would result in a score of 81. Grade calculation will be based on the following chart.

    0 100 A
    98 A
    2 96 A
    3 94 A
    4 92 A
    5 90 A
    6 87 B
    7 84 B
    8 81 B
    9 78 C
    10 75 C
    11 72 C
    12 69 D
    13 66 D
    14 63 D
    15+ 0 F