Mehmet Aktas
Associate Professor of Data Science and Analytics
Associate Professor of Data Science and Analytics maktas1@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2865 J 333
Degree: PhD, Mathematics, Florida State University
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 2330 Probability and Data Analysis; STAT 8320 Multivariate Data Analysis
Lythia Amoakon
Limited Term Instructor of Data Science and Analytics
Ramazan Aygun
Director, Center for Research Computing and Associate Professor of Computer Science
Director, Center for Research Computing and Associate Professor of Computer Science raygun@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-5606 J 305A
Degree: PhD, Computer Science and Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo
Recent Classes Taught: CS 8265 Advanced Big Data Analytics; CS 8267 Advanced Machine Learning
Marla Bell
Professor of Statistics
Professor of Statistics mbell@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-6566 CL 3005
Degree: PhD, Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 3130 Statistical Methods II; STAT 4210/STAT 8210 Applied Regression Analysis
Frederic Bien
Limited Term Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics
Limited Term Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics fbien@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-5105 CL 3013
Austin Brown
Assistant Professor of Statistics
Assistant Professor of Statistics abrow708@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-7827 J 347
Degree: PhD, Applied Statistics and Research Methods, University of Northern Colorado
Recent Classes Taught: DATA 3230 Data Visualization; STAT 3125 Biostatistics; STAT 7110 Quality Control &
Process Improvement; STAT 7130 Programming in R; STAT 7210 Applied Regression Analysis
Nicole Carder
Lecturer of Statistics
Lecturer of Statistics nmoutos@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2819 CL 3023
Degree: Masters of Science in Applied Statistics, 快猫成版视频
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; DATA 1501 Introduction to Data Science; STAT 3010
Computer Applications of Statistics; STAT 3125 Biostatistics
Professional Experience: Data Scientist at Axis, Group; Data Analyst at Genuine Parts Company; Statistical
Analyst at Kimberly Clark
Joseph DeMaio
Professor of Mathematics and Data Science
Professor of Mathematics and Data Science jdemaio@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-6568 J 349
Degree: PhD, Mathematics, Emory University
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; STAT 7010 Mathematical Statistics I; MATH 2332 Probability
and Data Analysis; MATH 8020 Graph Theory
Holly Deal
Lecturer of Statistics
Lecturer of Statistics hdeal2@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2490 CL 3021
Degree: Masters of Statistics and Analytical Sciences, 快猫成版视频
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; STAT 3125 Biostatistics; STAT 4210 Topics in Regression;
DATA 4000 Data Science Communication
Bowen Eldridge
Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics
Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics meldrid8@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-6241 J 320
Degree: Masters of Statistics and Analytical Sciences, 快猫成版视频
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; STAT 2332 Probability and Data Analysis; DATA 3010
Computer Applications of Statistics
Nicole Ferguson
Professor of Statistics
Professor of Statistics afergu10@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-7624 CL 3017
Degree: PhD, Biostatistics, University of Louisville
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; STAT 3010 Computer Applications of Statistics; STAT
3125 Biostatistics; STAT 4125/STAT 7125 Design and Analysis of Human Studies; STAT
7100 Statistical Methods; STAT 7030 Programming in R; STAT 8940 Applied Analysis Project
Michael Frankel
Senior Lecturer of Statistics
Senior Lecturer of Statistics mfranke1@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2389 CL 3009
Degree: Masters of Statistics, Georgia Tech
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; STAT 3010 Computer Applications in Statistics; STAT 3120 Statistical Methods I; STAT 4330 Binary Classification
Bill Franks
Director of the Center for Data Science and Analytics and Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics
Director of the Center for Data Science and Analytics and Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics wfranks3@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2865 J 324
Degree: Masters of Applied Statistics, North Carolina State University
Recent Classes Taught: DS 7900 Applied Analytics Project Course
Professional Experience: Chief Analytics Officer for Teradata (NYSE: TDC) and the International Institute for Analytics. Author of several books. Presentations at hundreds of public and private conferences and events.
Livingstone Gadzanku
Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics
Linda Galloway
Senior Lecturer of Mathematics
Senior Lecturer of Mathematics lgallow1@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-7678 CL 3029
Degree: PhD, Secondary Mathematics Education, Auburn University
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics
Kimberly Gardner
Interim Director of Assessment and Professor of Statistics
Interim Director of Assessment and Professor of Statistics kgardne9@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2401 J 322
Degree: PhD, Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Georgia State University
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; STAT 3010 Computer Applications of Statistics; STAT 3120 Statistical Methods I; STAT 3130 Statistical Methods II; STAT 7100 Statistical Methods; STAT 8940 Applied Analysis Project; MATH 2332 Probability and Data Analysis; MATH 3332 Probability and Inference; MAED 9900 Mathematics Education Research Independent Study
Daniel Giorgis
Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics
Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics dgiorgis@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-6107 CL 3007
Degree: Master of Applied Statistics, 快猫成版视频
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; DATA 1501 Introduction to Data Science
Kevin Gittner
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology kgittner@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-7986 CL 3031
Degree: PhD, Applied Statistics and Research Methods, University of Northern Colorado
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 7210 Applied Regression Analysis; STAT 7020 Statistical Computing and Simulation;
DATA 3300 Data Science Ethics; PHE 4500 Epidemiology; PHE 3150 Applied Analytic Techniques
in Public Health Education
Professional Experience: Statistical and research methods consulting
Susan Hardy
Senior Lecturer of Statistics
Senior Lecturer of Statistics shardy@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-6707 CL 3025
Degree: Masters of Statistics, Brigham Young University
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; STAT 3010 Computer Applications of Statistics; STAT
3120 Statistical Methods I; STAT 3130 Statistical Methods II; STAT 4400 Nonparametric
Statistical Methods; STAT 4400 Research and Oral Presentation Excellence
Professional Experience: Wirthlin Worldwide (Harris Interactive) - trained project managers; performed marketing
analyses for Marriott Corporation food chains
Jiajing Huang
Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics
Junjun Huo
Limited Term Instructor of Data Science and Analytics
Limited Term Instructor of Data Science and Analytics jhuo1@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2865 J 333
Ruvini Kumari Jayamaha Jayamaha Hitihamilage
Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics
Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics rjayamah@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-3519 R2 206
Degree: PhD, Statistics, Western Michigan University
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 2332 Probability and Data Analysis; STAT 4210 Topics in Regression; STAT 7210 Applied Regression Analysis
Sheri Johnson
Limited Term Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics
Bin Luo
Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics
Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics bluo@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-6505 J 345
Degree: PhD, Computational Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; STAT 8240 Data Mining I; STAT 8250 Data Mining II
Lauren Matheny
Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics
Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics lmathen1@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-5021 CL 3019
Degree: PhD, Applied Statistics and Research Methods, University of Northern Colorado
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 3120 Statistical Methods I; STAT 7020 Statistical Computing Simulation; STAT 7225 Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis
Professional Experience: 17 years directing lower extremity research program in orthopedic and sports medicine health outcomes; lead biostatistician and research methodologist for collaborative research with the United States Ski and Snowboard Association, independent statistical and research consultant in private sector.
Duleep Prasanna Rathgamage Don
Limited Term Instructor of Data Science and Analytics
Herman Ray
Director of the School of Data Science and Analytics PhD Program and Professor of Data Science and Biostatistics
Director of the School of Data Science and Analytics PhD Program and Professor of Data Science and Biostatistics hray8@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-3648 J 348
Degree: PhD, Biostatistics and Data Science, University of Louisville School of Public Health
Recent classes taught: STAT 8310 Applied Categorical Data Analysis; STAT 8320 Applied Multivariate Data Analysis; STAT 8330 Applied Binary Classification; STAT 7130 Programming in R.
Professional experience:
- Senior Director of Biostatistics and Programming, ConcertAI
- Associate Professor of Statistics, 快猫成版视频
- Director, Center for Statistics and Analytical Research, 快猫成版视频
- Research Scientist, Thomson Reuters
Aradhana Soni
Lecturer of Data Science and Analytics
Gita Taasoobshirazi
Associate Professor of Statistics
Associate Professor of Statistics gtaasoob@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2491 J 343
Degree: PhD, Applied Cognition and Development, University of Georgia
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 7020 Statistical Computing and Simulation; STAT 7350/8350 Structural Equation
Modeling; STAT 7450/8450 Multilevel Modeling; STAT 8020 Advanced Programming in SAS;
STAT 8210 Applied Regression Analysis
Benjamin Watson
Limited Term Instructor of Data Science and Analytics
Limited Term Instructor of Data Science and Analytics bwatso64@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-2865 CL 3015
Degree: MAT, Secondary Mathematics Education, Georgia State University
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics; DATA 1501 Introduction to Data Science
Professional Experience: Data Analyst at Northeast Georgia Health System
Xinyan Zhang
Associate Professor of Statistics
Associate Professor of Statistics xzhang47@kennesaw.edu (470) 578-6313 J 314
Degree: PhD, Biostatistics, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Recent Classes Taught: STAT 3125 Biostatistics; STAT 8225 Applied Longitudinal Analysis