Discover the Academy

Discover the leading post-secondary inclusive education program in Georgia that offers a unique university experience focusing on academic excellence, social enrichment, and career development.

Our Programs

All applicants less than 22 years of age are encouraged to consider opportunities available in your current school system under Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) before committing to our fee-based programs

Academic, Social, and Career Enrichment Program (ASCE)

Advanced Leadership and Career Development (ALCD) 


Begin Here

All portions of the application, including documentation, must be completed before you can submit the application. You will need the following documents:

  1. High School Transcript
  2. IEP or equivalent
  3. Psychological Evaluation (completed within the last two years)

Please use this link below to complete your application for Fall 2024 enrollment to the Academy for Inclusive Learning and Social Growth.

The email address is vital for accessing a partially completed application and receiving confirmation once you have submitted a completed application. While this is under the student’s information, that email address should be the primary contact for the application.

Important Note: Submission of documents not in compliance with the admission requirements may result in an application delay or denial. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure all documents are received by our deadlines. Once the application system closes, it will not reopen.

Once you complete the application, you will receive an email confirmation. Upon review of the application, a member of the Academy team will contact you about the next steps.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact

Applicant assessments – applicants will complete several assessments which include a reading analysis, transition assessment, career index, and personality inventory. If the applicant meets the minimum admission requirements a decision may be made to move the application forward. If students do not meet the minimum requirements, the application process may end at this point.


If students meet the minimum requirements, they may be invited to College Day where they will participate in campus activities and interview with the Academy Admissions Committee. All students considered for admission must be present for the College Day.

Once all portions of the application process are completed, the Academy admissions committee will meet to review the application and determine one the following:

  1. Student admitted (no conditions).
  2. Student admitted as commuter only.
  3. Student admitted as commuter only with PCA.
  4. Student not admitted.