Discussing Trends in Information Technology

IT Distinguished Colloquium Series provide an opportunity for faculty members of the department to share their research and ideas with each other. This can lead to collaboration and new partnerships, as well as sparking new research directions. Colloquia provide a forum for discussing current topics and trends in the field. This can help keep everyone up-to-date on the latest developments, and ensure that the department remains at the forefront of the field. Colloquia can help develop critical thinking and presentation skills. By presenting their research to their peers, members of the department can receive valuable feedback and learn to better articulate their ideas.

Graduate students are highly encouraged to attend the IT Distinguished Colloquium Series. GRAs who is currently working with the professors are highly recommended to attend the colloquium. 

Committee Chair: Dr. Liang Zhao

Committee members: Dr. Lihn Le, Dr. Ying Xie, Dr. Nazmus Sakib, Dr. Yixin Xie

Please find the past and future colloquia below.

IT DISTINGUISHED COLLOQUIUM SERIES , Feb 13, 2024, 1-2 P.M.(Dr. Xiaolin Hu, Georgia State University)

Title: Spatiotemporal Simulation, Data Assimilation, and Digital Twin for Wildland Fire Management

When: Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024,  1-2 p.m.

Where: J-101

Past Events

  • Title: Connecting the Dots for Health and Security Monitoring
  • Title: Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing Based on Generative Adversarial Networks
  • Title: Information Systems for GeoSpatial Data Analytics: A Summary of Results
  • Dr. Shiwen Mao speaking at IT Distinguished Colloquium Series, April 17 event
    Dr. Shiwen Mao speaking at IT Distinguished Colloquium Series, April 17 event
    Dr. Shiwen Mao speaking at IT Distinguished Colloquium Series, April 17 event

