3rd Annual National Hybrid Schools Conference

3rd Annual National Hybrid Schools Conference
We are thrilled to announce that our recent conference was a great success, thanks to your enthusiastic participation and valuable contributions. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees. Your engagement and support made this event truly memorable. Thank you for making this conference outstanding. Photos and session videos are coming soon!

2024 Sponsors / Exhibitors

Is your organization interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at the national Hybrid Schools Conference?

2024 Sponsors

Ed Choice logo
Vela Logo
Yes Foundation


2024 Exhibitors

  • Aim Academy Online
  • Alternative Education Resource organization (AERO)
  • Anchor Counseling & Education Solutions, LLC
  • Classic Learning Test
  • Herzog Foundation
  • Hybrid Schools Society
  • Institute for Excellence in Writing
  • Kaipod Learning
  • Kidvation Global, Inc
  • National Microschooling Center
  • OptimaED
  • Portals Academy