BUSA Professionalism Courses/Hughes Leadership & Career Program

This program is designed to support academic and professional development to prepare students for future success. In the 2019-2020 academic year, the Hughes Leadership & Career Program (BUSA courses) was re-imagined to increase its relevance and applicability to the college to career journey by using the Flight Academy engagement platform. This mobile and web app tracks progress toward course completion in each of the three required zero credit hour courses. Successful completion of BUSA 2150 is required to apply to Coles College of Business, and completing all three BUSA courses is necessary to finalize an undergraduate degree from Coles College of Business.

BUSA 2150 - Professionalism I: Clarifying My Major and Career
BUSA 3150 - Professionalism II: Relevant Work Experience
BUSA 4150 - Professionalism III: Post-Graduate Success

BUSA courses are built around engagement and participation in curated activities instead of graded assignments. Students have the opportunity to personalize their experience by selecting option activities that are meaningful and make sense with their career goals.

Critical BUSA Details:

  • The Flight Academy app will be the tracking mechanism for course activities and display progress toward the BUSA badges.
  • A student's BUSA badge must reach 100% completion on Flight Academy to receive a passing grade in their BUSA course.
  • While all activities are on Flight Academy, it remains vital to read the syllabus to understand course expectations and deadlines.
  • Each course activity has a 3:00 PM deadline.
  • BUSA courses are required in the Coles College undergraduate curriculum.
  • D2L maintains resources for the course.
  • A passing grade in BUSA 2150 is required to apply to Coles College.
  • Completion of the BUSA course series is necessary to finalize an undergraduate degree from Coles College.